
Thursday 27 January 2011

Songwriter/Singer Nikki Grier interview - talks working with Dre and Detox

Nikki Grier caught up with The Wrap Up for an interview.  Discussed many things, including Michael Jackson, Dr Dre and Detox. Excerpt from interview:

TWU: Your background vocalist experience is incredible. Michael Jackson? Tell us about that experience.
Nikki Grier: Yes. I sang on Michael Jackson’s ‘History’ album as a kid. I think I was about 12, I was in a gospel group called All Of God’s Children. We were put together by Lou Adler. He put together the Mamas and Papas. He put us together and we had an album out, then we started singing background for different people and doing a lot of shows. There was a call from one of the producers, they needed 10 girls to come and sing for Michael Jackson. When I got the call, I was so excited. It was at the same time as one of the trials was happening. One of the young boys had come out with an allegation, the whole child molestation thing. So he was leery about being around children at that time. So unfortunately, I didn’t’ get the chance to meet him. He was there at the studio, but he didn’t come in and meet us. He would send little notes through his producers telling us we were doing a good job, but yeah, we didn’t get a chance to meet him. It was amazing that I had the opportunity to be on that project. Years later I was able to visit Neverland. I was able to go with 15 other people and sing and see Neverland. I didn’t get on any rides. I was in such awe when I got there, I couldn’t believe it. You know? You see it on TV, but you have no idea how massive that place is! So, I was in the movie theatre and he had his own movie theatre. There’s somebody behind the counter like a regular movie theatre and you just get all the candy and all the stuff you want for free. I was at the zoo, he has a zoo there. I was just in awe. Then I was performing.

TWU: What’s next for Nikki Grier?

Nikki Grier: The thing I have on the table right now. We’re going to be releasing ‘Soulgasm Vol. 6’ and I’m currently working with Busta Rhymes on his new albums too. I’ve also been working with Dr. Dre on ‘Detox’…

TWU: In what capacity did you work on that album? Background vocals? Song-writing credits? Lead vocals?

Nikki Grier: I’m writing and I’m singing. So I’ve written some hooks for the album and I’ve written and sung a bunch of stuff for the album too. I was actually just there last week. I cut another record and a hook. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that these songs actually make it, but as I said, he is very much the perfectionist and wants to make sure that if this is his last album, it’s gonna be the thing to really be remembered by. I can completely understand that.

TWU: How was it working with Dr. Dre on such a historical album? What’s the studio vibe like?
Nikki Grier: It’s fun! Don’t get me wrong, there are intense moments where you better have what you’re supposed to be doing. But for the most part, whatever kind of song we’re trying to create then, that’s the atmosphere that Dre creates. So if it’s a party record, then it’s a party going on. You know? He creates that atmosphere so that we are able to instantly go into that atmosphere. Every now and then we might just be on some hard s**t trying to figure it out. It really depends. But obviously, he’s a person that’s going to pull your best out of it. I can honestly say that when I joined Aftermath, I was good, but he raised the bar so high for me. He pushes you. He pushes you to your limit. There have been days where I’m like, ‘I know this is hot.’ Then I give it to him. He’s like, ‘Mmm. It’s alright.’ So it’s the fire he lights in you.  He’s constantly making you raise your bar, so I’m very appreciative of that.

TWU: ‘Detox’ is like the Loch Ness Monster. Purely urban legend at this point...

Nikki Grier: (Laughs) Well, you know Dre is a perfectionist; he is not going to put it out until its right. I can’t even tell you how many records he’s done for that album. We are all still walking on eggshells hoping our song makes it. We’re not really sure; I’m not sure which of my records is going to make it.


  1. The D.O.C. splits from Dr. Dre, talks Detox.

  2. ^^thanks but im already on it : ) - up to the MINUTE...!!!
